
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Medical and spiritual questions of readers, only readers answer

Ubqari Magazine - September 2015

Getting rid of weight gain:

Honourable readers! I am 22 years old and gaining weight with every passing day. This worries me since people now call with various names. Kindly please tell me some cure for this. Also my second problem is that I keep fighting over small things. Please tell me some cure for this too. Thank you.  (Muhammad Fahad Bashir, Mianwali).

Answer: it is true that weight gain is an issue of great concern.  The effect of obesity isn’t noticed when a person is young but as age increases, obesity becomes a major threat to the wellbeing of a person. What happens is that as the layers of fat and skin over it increases, this whole body mass requires more blood that now has to cover a larger distance from the heart. The heart starts to weaken since it now has to pump with a lot more energy.  After knowing this, you must make a serious effort to control weight and reduce diet too. The reduction in diet should be such that while eating one must control his hand and not eat to the full. Such sort of dieting as well as exercise will readily help you lose weight. Don’t rely on medicines for weight loss. A healthy diet coupled with exercise will also keep your anger at bay. A spiritual solution to anger would be to remain in the state of wudu at all times. (Sheen, Lahore).

Problem of unemployment:

Honourable readers, I am unemployed for the last four years and have tried a lot to get a job by distributing CV’s in a lot of places. From the morning till evening, I am on the lookout for jobs but don’t find any. Please inform me of some spiritual tip or wazifa. ( jeem, ra)

Answer: Sir, please don’t worry. Allah will grant you relief from all of your problems. Allah loves all His creation. For the solution to unemployment, I am sending you a wazifa that will help you Insha Allah. In surah Duha, there are nine “kaaf”. For 9 days, on every kaaf , recite Ya Qarim. If your problem is still not solved, then do this for 18 days and if still the problem remains then, do this for 27 days. Insha Allah, you will get a job.

Disobedient and rebellious son: 

My young son has been influenced by the company of some bad boys which has led to my son being a drug addict of ‘churs’. He comes late at home and takes drugs while at home too. He keeps sleeping till late in the morning and stays angry and curses too. his condition has led to his mother becoming a heart patient. Also he is unemployed too. ( alif meem, Lahore)

Answer: madam! Please recite the following wazifa with consistency and Insha’Allah your son will return to the path of righteousness.

یَامُمِیْتُ یَاقَابِضُ یَامَانِعُ یَاصُبُوْرُ   Recite this 101 times (tasbeeh) after every namaz  and pray to Allah for the solution to your problem. (Muhammad Shakeel, Multan).

Very weak:

 I am 23 years old and but I am very weak.  I eat a good diet but everyone that looks at me asks that don’t I get food. My skin is very thin and veins below the skin are apparent too. Also hair fall occurs too. Kindly give me some good solution. (Ha)

Answer: make a routine of exercising regularly and walk for at least one or one and a half mile in the morning. In the breakfast, eat kishmish 25 gm, atleast 12 almonds. Soak this for the night and in the morning eat this along with one glass of milk.( syed ahmed faraz, Quetta).

Success in exams:

 I have given the exam of BA many times that but I am still not able to pass it. Please give me a solution to this problem.

Answer: Madam! The solution to your problem is that you have to recite surah Alm-Nashrah 7 times after namaz of fajr. Recite Durud Shareef 3 times before and after this wazifa. Also continue your preparation and this afore mentioned wazifa will help you retain everything and you will be successful Insha Allah.( Farooq, Raheem Yar Khan).


I suffer from blood in my anus that comes into my excretion too. around two years ago, I went through an operation to cure this but this problem is once again apparent. Readers, please tell me some cure so that I can get rid of this problem once and for all.( ayn, Chakwal).

Answer: my sister, you must make sure that your diet is such that you don’t get constipation. Drink lots of water and eat chapatti of that flour that is not refined. There is a medicinal course of Ubqari named ‘ bawaseer say nijat course’. This is my experienced advice. At the night before sleeping, eat galkand aftaabi 24 gm with warm water. (Zafar Majeed, Rawalpindi).

Desi Shampoo or soap: honourable readers, Assalam O Alaikum, shampoo makes the hair weaker. My request to readers is that please suggest some soap that makes hair thicker, longer and shinier that you have used yourself. ( Anila, Haripur Hazara )

Answer: the plant of aloe vera is very common. Take a piece of a few inches from this plant and take the liquid like material out of that piece. Apply this on the roots of the hair and massage it. Keep this for two hours and then wash hair with mashed rhetas. Avoid all shampoos and do all that is mentioned above twice a week. After two months your hair will be silky soft and stronger. (Aalia bashir, Lahore).

Tested tip for increase in height:

 I am 19 years old and my height is only 4 feet. This makes me suffer from inferiority complex. Please tell me some way to increase my height. (Muhammad Raza Shakar, bhakar).

Answer: This is my tested tip which you can use to increase your height too. Take half a glass of water, recite darood Ibrahim once and then recite the first ayat of surah Yousaf three times           تِلکَ اٰیٰتُ الْکِتٰبِ المُبِینِ اَلرَّحِیمُ اَلرَّحِیمُ اَلرَّحِیمُ یَااَللّٰہُ یَامُرِیدُ oالٓر

After this recite darood e Ibrahim once more. Blow on the glass and in your mind imagine your height increasing and then drink this water while sitting in three gulps. You have to make sure that there are no gaps in this wazifa and if there is a day missed then cover it up by doing the wazifa for one more day.  Don’t panic or get anxious.


Questions from readers, answers from readers: Due to the increasing stockpile of sent material from readers, it has been decided that the newer entries will not be published until the old ones are published. 



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